Gary Geeke - IT Infrastructure Administrator
Age: 23
Skills: Systems and technology, automation
Scope: Organization-wide
- Gary is responsible for the set up and operation of all of the IT infrastructure that Coco Pharmaceuticals operates.
- He works for Erin Overview although he is pretty autonomous since no-one else really understands the systems the way he does.
- Gary loves technology and finds the variety of technology that the company uses to be a real bonus in keeping up his skills.
- Criticism of the IT team for being unresponsive to the needs of the business.
- Encouragement from Erin.
- Focuses on day-to-day running of the IT systems.
- Enjoys new projects as a way of extending his skills.
- Uses automation wherever possible to reduce effort on running existing systems.
- A growing reliance on the IT teams.
- The need for a more sophisticated approach to operations and the integration of information.
Top challenges:
- Keeping the systems running all the time.
- Diagnosing problems.
- Maintaining a social life with the anti-social hours he is working.
Desired Outcome:
- Fully automated operations with appropriate alerting and diagnostics.
- Time to work on new projects that expand his skills.
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.