Robbie Records - Patient Data Manager
Age: 45
Skills: Records management, hospital procedures, administrative processes.
Scope: All patient data held by the hospital and its use.
- Robbie is responsible for the proper collection, management and security of patient data.
- Robbie is frustrated.
- Much of his Job is very dull, chasing up missing information and making routine changes to the data to fix errors in it. However he feels he has tremendous responsibility with this job and wants to spend more time working on better processes to managing this data.
- Concerns about data privacy – particularly around patient data.
- Demands for more types of data to be maintained.
- Robbie maintains a very hard lined attitude to new uses of patient data. His default answer is “no” unless he can see a clear description of where the data is going, how it is to be used, the safe-guards around it – and what happens at the end of the project.
- A general lack of care about keeping records in the hospital unless it is directly related to particular specialist work of one of the leading practitioners who need the records to progress their work.
Top challenges:
- Ensuring the right data is collected in situ during patient interactions and clinical work.
- Many of the medical devices store data in private, proprietary forms and it is difficult to retrieve the data.
Desired Outcome:
- Complete transparency on how all patent data is collected, stored, managed and disposed of through the hospital and partner organizations.
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.