Tessa Tube - Lead Researcher
Age: 37
Skills: Cancer specialist working on new drugs to improve the effectiveness of leukemia treatments.
Scope: Cancer research team
- Tessa has been developing a new drug that is currently in clinical trials with a number of hospitals.
- The medical staff at each hospital are following a well defined protocol and are supplying new data about the selected patients’ progress as they are tested with the new drug.
- Tessa divides her time between her lab and the hospitals involved in the trial.
- She has strong relationships with the medical staff involved in the trial.
- Tessa is optimistic about this new drug’s effectiveness.
- However, she knows that this area of medicine is complex and a patient’s response is affected by many factors.
- Many different aspects of the cancer treatment that are not being recorded.
- Tessa spends a lot of time discussion the progress of the trial with the patients and medical staff involved in the trial, trying to capture as much information as possible.
- A willingness on the part of all concerned in the trial to collaborate to get the drug right – but a difficulty in expressing and collecting the right information since new factors are being discovered all of the time.
Top challenges:
- Collecting information where the understanding of which factors are important to record is evolving.
Desired Outcome:
- A record of the clinical trial that documents both the data required by the FDA, but also the incidental detail and additional insight that the team discovered during the trial.
License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.