Defining a glossary

A glossary is a collection of common data definitions, typically focused on defining the meaning of data. The process of building a glossary is iterative and collaborative. It switches between creating a overview of the content and then drilling down into the specifics, increasing the precision, before returning to review the overall consistency of the definitions.

Often organizations begin with a simple exercise to identify the broad topics that need to be covered. These broad topics are called Subject Areas. In an earlier scenario, Erin Overview created an initial list of Subject Areas for Coco Pharmaceuticals.

In this scenario, Erin is working with Faith Broker the director for human resources on the employee data subject area.

What are the initial list of key concepts?

Figure 1

Figure 1: Defining the initial list of terms

Drilling down to fill out more information

Figure 2

Figure 2: Refining Work Location

Figure 3

Figure 3: Redefining Postal Address

Figure 4

Figure 4: Defining Manager

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