Asset Owner Role


Asset owners are individuals that own one or more of the following:

Most employees in an organization will be an owner of at least one asset. The size and importance of the asset in question will determine the level of seniority of the individual that is the asset owner.

The asset owner is responsible for investment decision related to the asset. This includes decisions to extend or update the asset and when to dispose of it.
They also make choices on investment in security infrastructure and support verses new function.

As such the governance team need to ensure that the asset owner is responsible for planning for the asset as well it functionality.

Assets can be transferred between owners. However, there should never be a time when the asset has no owner.

Some assets are composed, or are dependent on assets owned by different people. The asset owner of the composite is responsible for ensuring the consumed assets that are used according to their license and service level agreements.

For example, for digital services and systems, the asset owner makes choices relating to the types of data that are collected by their offering, the processing that is performed on data, what data is stored, shared and how long is it kept.

Further information

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